Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Lately this year is full of clay but I really grateful that I can sew these Christmas stockings last November (this year 2016). I'm so happy to make Christmas ornaments for this family. Hmm because my sewing machine is not good enough, I handsewing it some of them. There are angels, santa, gingerman, rudolph and his reindeer friend, bear, also snowman. :)

Merry Christmas all my friend who celebrate it :) I hope all people of this world specially Indonesia has peace and joy, love and give one another, hope and believe good things, also live with smile and happy.

Thanks God for this year is full of joy, I learned a lot and I hope next year is full of happiness, more mature in spirit. Still I hope I would have a baby or babies :) what is your wishes? lets pray and keep our faith.
Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Sewing Christmas Stockings by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy Food by KuroHouseofCraft: Ice Cream Mochi

Hi, recently I'm so busy start from October till this December 2016. Praise the Lord that some customer do some repeat order for dummy food @ KuroHouseofCraft. But still due to so difficult to find arts assistance I can't do all my art projects so fast. However I still and will always do all the best I could :) Thanks to my customer, friends and family who always trust me.
So these are dummy food / food replica ice cream mochi that so famous. Hmm.. I want the real one :P
Dummy Food by KuroHouseofCraft: Ice Cream Mochi
There are chocolate, mango, durian, dragon fruit, strawberry and avocado ice cream covered with mochi. you can get the seller place at 
And if you want to order dummy food to KuroHouseofCraft just email me your food picture to email and I will tell you if I need an sample or just enough by picture. Please be noted that I need mostly 3 to 4 weeks to working on this dummy food art so prepare some time before order. Thank you and enjoy these mochi ice cream ^ ^v

Dummy Food by KuroHouseofCraft: Ice Cream Mochi
Dummy Food by KuroHouseofCraft: Ice Cream Mochi

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

Hi my crafting friends,

For quite a while i have some busy craft things projects so I didn't have so much time to post my creations later. So this is the new one besides food replicas

The polymer clay woodland animal crochet hooks! I was really happy when my craft friend request it :)
Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

I tried some cane & patterns techniques, like granny square crochet pattern cane, woods, and rainbow cane. The woodland animals here are hippo, elephant, beaver, fox, owl and hedgehog 

they are cute, they have tails too... ^ ^ 

you know, lately we are in Indonesia have some politics issues and it really annoying, I mean people are posting some bad things. I'm not capable to stop them but I think I can post something better. 
Lucky me one day I remember some nice song from mocca band when I was teenager (I still young know haha) so I get inspiration from one of their song called HAPPY

here is the complete lyrics, but I use one of the paragraph to be attached in my crochet hook picture and change the words keep you "chin up" to be "keep crochet up" :) thanks mocca, your song make me happy and I hope my friend can be happy again, support each other again whatever the opinions, religions, ethnics and so on. I really just want to be your friends until I die. 

Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries,
Sometimes It's afraid Filled with Worries
Don't be afraid, When Things Go Wrong, Just be Strong.

When Thing Seems up in the Air,
And Everything is so Unfair,
And You Stumble and Fall
Just Pick Yourself up and Sing

If One Day You Lose Your Way,
Just Remember One Thing, My Friend.
When You're Under a Cloud
Just Visit Music and Sing

If One Day You Lose Your Way,
Just Remember that I'm Here to Stay.
Don't You Give up, Keep Your Chin up,
And Be Happy! 

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and get more inspirations :) anyway, I have youtube channel now. I know I will not have regular time to make videos but at least I post something good for you. please subscribe here 

Thank you and see you
Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

Polymer Clay Crochet Hook Woodland animals by KuroHouseofCraft

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dummy Ice cream cone @ KuroHouseofCraft

Hi, welcome to my blog :) 

How are you everyone, here in Indonesia the weather so sunny and hot. I think 90% of Indonesian for sure like ice cream. Today I want to share about my last dummy ice cream creation. 

There are some flavors, dragon fruits,  orange, strawberry, chocolate, milo, grape and bubble gums, also mix fruits. It served with small crunchy chocolate cone. :)

Dummy Ice Cream @KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy Ice Cream @KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food somehow now is kinda of required in every food restaurant and food stall here in Indonesia. Because people will look the appearance of the food first and then they will decide to buy just like in Japan. It also attract people to come and see. after see, usually they have intention to buy food. That's why food replica or dummy food will increase the restaurant customers.

For my self food replica is like realistic painting, I mean almost 100% realistic! that's why sometime I need to see the details picture of the foods or the real sample before I make the food replica. I'm not using mold as my standard, so if you see more closer all the ice creams are not same. They're all handmade :)

Feeling sunny everyone? 

Dummy Ice Cream @KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy Ice Cream @KuroHouseofCraft

Monday, August 8, 2016

Food Replica Karei-Ya Fushion

Kalau jalan-jalan ke Lippo Karawaci, ada tempat makan namanya Benton. Nah di situ ada resto yang menyajikan kare sebagai menu spesialnya. Namanya Karei-ya Fusion. Saya juga baru liat cabangnya ada di Summarecon Mall Serpong, food court yang ada di atas Gramedia.

Beberapa waktu lalu Karei-ya memesan beberapa dummy food di KuroHouseofCraft, ada shrimp rice, omu rice, aglio olio, dan japanese wafuu pasta. :D ayo-ayo yang mau curry langsung aja ke sana ya. 

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Shrimp Rice Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft
Dummy shrimp rice ini kesulitannya adalah pada nasi, nasi harus kelihatan seperti aslinya, menyatu, pulen dan tiap butirannya memang seperti nasi yang sudah matang, bukan butiran-butiran yang seperti dilem. Jangan nanya berapa lama.. hihi yang apsti setiap butiran dibuat satu-persatu. :D 

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Shrimp Rice Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Yang kedua adalah Dummy food omu rice, hm.. nasi yang dibungkus dengan telur (tamago) dadar setengah matang, masih terlihat orange kekuningan dari kuning telur. Bagian yang cukup sulit adalah membuat daging dan jamur enoki supaya terlihat matang sempurna (lemas) dan berbumbu walaupun ini terbuat dari clay ^ ^

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Omu Rice Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

tuh kan.. keliatan enak :D

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Yang ketiga adalah dummy food pasta wafuu, bentuknya seperti spageti pada umumnya tapi berbumbu coklat dengan potongan daging ayam, irisan cabe dan sedikit kuah kecoklatan. Cabenya saya buat handmade satu per satu. hmm memang semua handmade sih hihi

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Pasta Wafuu Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Pasta Wafuu Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Yang selanjutnya adalah dummy aglio olio, pasta dengan taburan cabe rawit pedas, beef jerky dan minyak cabai, topping keju ditambah sepotong roti.. huff pedass.. tapi enak ^ ^ Bagi yang mau memesan dummy food email aja ke tapi mohon membaca FAQ terlebih dulu :)

Terimakasih Karei-Ya :)

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Aglio Olio Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Aglio Olio Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Aglio Olio Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica/ Dummy Food Aglio Olio Karei-ya Fusion by KuroHouseofCraft

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Food Replica Fritter (Snack) of Yummi Bites Indonesia

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Hm.. apa yang terjadi kalau di depan kita ada snack gorengan sepiring besar ini :D pasti tangan langsung melayang dan gigit hehe.. minggu lalu saya baru menyelesaikan food replica fritter atau kue gorengan Yummi Bites Indonesia yang berlokasi di Central Park Mall. 

Gorengan ini konon khas Singapura, tapi Indonesia sebenernya sih juga jagoan gorengan ya. Hehe..bedanya isi gorengan ini lebih bervariasi, ada kue keranjang, ubi, yam, keju, kacang merah, pisang nggak ketinggalan, tapioka, dan three in one. oh ada kacang hijau juga :) seru kan. langsung serbu aja ke outletnya ya hehe..

Membuat dummy gorengan ini cukup sulit karena bagi saya baru pertama kalinya harus membuat tekstur buih yang berpori dan tampak seperti kresh kresh baru digoreng. proses lapisannya sampai berulang-ulang dan cukup membuat saya desperate. Tapi syukurlah akhirnya bisa juga.. thanks God. berikut ini foto-foto dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia :)
Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft 

Dummy food / food replica Fritter of Yummy bites Indonesia by KuroHouseofCraft

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Food Replica Dessert Snack Sweet Bites

Hi, Dummy food kali ini adalah pesanan dari Sweet Bites yang lokasinya ada di Semarang. Mau pesan aslinya? follow aja Instagram Sweet Bites: sweetbites.sweetbites 

dan jangan lupa follow instagram KuroHouseofCraft ya :)

Foto yang pertama ini adalah Food replica shot pot, semacam cookies coklat yang berlapis coklat dan kacang almond lalu dimakan dengan susu. Nah itu botol susunya bisa melayang (nggak pakai hantu) hehe tapi memang sengaja dipesan begitu supaya keren. 
Agak sulit membuat shot pot ini, karena saya harus mengatur keseimbangan antara botol yang ada fake milknya dan si cookies supaya bisa tetap tegak. Setelah beberapa kali percobaan akhirnya bisa juga. (yeay)

Dummy Food Shot pot for Sweet Bites @ KuroHouseofCraft

Kalau ini dummy food yang sengaja saya foto semua dari atas, supaya terlihat seperti makanan lezat yang dihidangkan di atas meja. Hm..memang menunya Sweet Bites itu snacknya unyu-unyu (read: cute). Ada Smores dengan crackers dan lelehan coklat, sponge cheese cake, shot pot, dan zuppa soup. Nyam nyam nyam..

Food replica Sweet bites @ KuroHouseofCraft
Sponge cheese cake ini memang kelihatannya sederhana, sebenarnya pengerjaannya paling lama lho hehehe..soalnya setiap butiran itu saya buat satu-satu dengan tangan ini (olah raga jari) tapi puas deh dengan hasilnya. :)

Food replica Sponge Cheese Cake Sweet bites @ KuroHouseofCraft

Dan ini adalah replica smores yang ada di bawah ini, hm.. keliatan lucu, lembut dan menyenangkan untuk dimakan ya. marshmallow yang bagian atasnya agak garing-garing gosong seperti rasa caramel susu tapi lembut juga bisa mulur. Hm..  

Food replica Smores Sweet bites @ KuroHouseofCraft

Food replica smores Sweet bites @ KuroHouseofCraft

Dan ini yang terakhir, Food replica Zuppa Soup alias Cream Sup dengan puff pastry. Tingkat kesulitannya adalah membuat kulitnya agar tipis-tipis tapi bisa berbentuk seperti mengembang bulat dan contoh yang seperti dilubangi dengan sendok itu dalamnya juga berlapis-lapis, sama persis dengan puff pastry aslinya. Cream supnya juga harus terlihat shiny, lembut dan nggak lupa ada potongan daging ayamnya. Sup ini saya buat realis, jadi kalau mengintip bagian dalam sup ini pun dalamnya juga sama persis dengan sup aslinya. 
Terimakasih Sweet Bites sudah memesan food replica di KuroHouseofCraft, Terimakasih juga atas kesabarannya mengantri dan menunggu proses pembuatannya sampai selesai.
Food replica Zuppa Soup Sweet bites @ KuroHouseofCraft

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Food Replica Dummy Ice Cream Kaluku Dessert

Hi, akhir-akhir ini saya sangat sibuk mengerjakan pemesanan dummy food di bulan July 2016. Karena itu email-email dan request lainnya belum sempat saya balas ya, karena memang kondisi saya sedang sangat sibuk. Bagaimanapun saya perlu fokus :)

Ini adalah salah satu dummy food yang saya selesaikan baru-baru ini, yaitu pemesanan dari Kaluku Dessert yang berlokasi di Makassar. Teman-teman di Makassar bisa cobain nih ice cream-nya. Replica Ice cream yang saya buat kali ini adalah rasa vanilla, green tea, dan coklat.

Untuk rasa green tea dan coklat, menggunakan taburan replika oreo, coklat chacha dan strawberry pocky stick. Hehe semuanya ini terbuat dari clay :)

Food Replica / Dummy Food Kaluku Dessert @KuroHouseofCraft

Mumpung ada keponakan, jadi terimakasih ya sudah jadi model buat hasil karya KuroHouseofCraft :) 

Lebih seger kan ya, kalau difoto dengan background pohon yang hijau :)
Food Replica / Dummy Food Kaluku Dessert @KuroHouseofCraft
Dan ini adalah rasa Vanilla dan green tea, spesialnya terletak di dummy orange/ jeruk kupas, cukup sulit untuk membuat warnanya pas dan orange transparant supaya terlihat seperti aslinya dan terasa segar manis *glek. 
Ceritanya sampai ngulang 6 kali percobaan, dan akhirnya suka dengan hasilnya :)

Food Replica / Dummy Food Kaluku Dessert @KuroHouseofCraft

Food Replica / Dummy Food Kaluku Dessert @KuroHouseofCraft

Terimakasih Kaluku Dessert, semoga kapan-kapan saya bisa ke Makassar dan cobain Ice cream yang asli. :)