Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cameo Jewels Princess Shirahoshi ~ One Piece

Sebagai salah satu penggemar One Piece, saya membuat cameo bertema princess tapi princess kali ini adalah Princess Shirahoshi.
Princess Shirahoshi adalah putri bungsu Raja Neptune yang berukuran sangat besar melebihi badan ibu dan kakak-kakaknya dan putri ini sangat cantik... 
Dia baik hati dan mempunyai teman seekor hiu, berbeda dengan karakter-karakter mermaid pada umumnya yang biasanya takut dengan hiu. 

Tapi Princess Shirahoshi ini kalau nangis.. wah bisa gawat banget :D soalnya dia cengeng abis.. nah kalau mau tau karakter lengkapnya silahkan baca komik One Piece hihi.. terlalu panjang kalau mau diceritain. :P

Shirahoshi Cameo Jewels by KuroHouseofCraft

Saya bahas pembuatan cameonya aja deh. Cameo ini bahan utamanya adalah polimer clay (harus dioven), saya menggunakan merk Fimo dan Premo. Bahan ini biasanya digunakan untuk aneka perhiasan yang custom made.

Bagian alasnya saya bentuk elips berwarna biru muda (seperti air laut) berdiameter -+ 5 cm dan di sisinya seperti lilitan tali satin berwarna pink. Saya juga menambahkan kristal Swarovski di bagian alas, untuk menambah kesan harta karun di laut.

Nah, Princess Sirahoshi ini dibuat berbeda dengan doll 2D biasanya. Ini bisa disebut hampir menyerupai 3D figure yang ditempel pada cameo karena semua bagian dibentuk dengan detail termasuk jari-jari yang ada di tangannya, bagian pinggang ke ekor dengan aksen sisik. Juga hiasan rambut berbentuk ikan emas dan rambut si princess yang saya buat pink bergradasi (biar keren).

Untuk kalungnya, saya menggunakan bahan Stainless Steel, di mana bahan ini tidak mudah berkarat. Jika lama digunakan, mungkin ada kotoran/ karat yang timbul bisa dihilangkan dengan air jeruk lemon/ nipis. rendam sebentar lalu bilas dan lap, maka kalung stainless akan kembali cling.. :)

Ini bisa jadi salah satu koleksi kita atau kado spesial buat teman, sahabat atau siapapun yang menggemari karakter tertentu. Jika mau memesannya atau menginginkan princess/ princess lainnya berbentuk karakter seperti ini. Silahkan contact ke email kuroshoppu@gmail.com. Harga dan waktu pengerjaan tergantung dari desain yang dibuat.

Juga follow instagram ya :) IG: KuroHouseofCraft

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Clay Cameo Jewelry Cardcaptor Sakura and Kero

Hi friends, since I have time today I can't wait till tomorrow to post about this clay cameo Cardcaptor Sakura. 

Who dont know Sakura? I thought all anime fan must knew it. I'm one of the Sakura Cardcaptor fan since i'm in senior high school. I really want to make Sakura figures for years and last week I have that chance ^ ^'

I like details, so I made the hair, face and her dress as detail as possible. With clay you can create anything you want except food to eat :P How to make it? I started with her face and eyes. to be honest to draw her eyes is the most difficult part, the rest is her wings and her dress (hmm I love Sakura dress) I wish  I could wear it :D

Clay Cameo Jewelry - Cardcaptor Sakura and Kero chan
Do you see the Sakura's wand? :D I think I'm crazy, if you know the size is less than 2 cm, so the height of wand's head is less than 0.5 cm plus it's wing. Bu really I love to make it as detail as possible. 
Oh.. I also can't forget kero chan, the cutest guardian ever. I imagined I also have one 
Kero is Cerberus (ケルベロス) or Keruberosu, is the appointed guardian of the book which holds the Clow Cards. Kero is a nick name from Sakura.
Clay Cameo Jewelry - Cardcaptor Sakura and Kero chan
Because lately I like collecting swarovski, I add some swarovski crystals on this cameo. One about diameters 0.7 cm and the other one is half smaller. Its shinny like diamond star. And for the chain, I used stainless steel chain so it will stay good. Hm.. just little tips, if you fine your stainless necklace got little corrosive, you can dip it into lemon juice for a while, wash it and dry it well. It will bring your chain back.
Clay Cameo Jewelry - Cardcaptor Sakura and Kero chan
Thank you for reading this blog, I hope you like this cameo. see you in next blog :)

Cameo - Alice in wonderland and Bunny

Hello Everyone, It has been more than a month I haven't post anything. I have some story about workshop but maybe in the next posting. Today I want to write about my new clay cameo jewelry. For this time I use some polimer clay from various brand like premo and fimo.

This is Alice in wonderland with the cute bunny. The Alice, I was inspired by nendoroid figures, its cute, so chibi and so anime. I love her anime eyes.
She wearing white dress and blue vest, and white apron with little black and red heart. Her hair accesories is lolita style black ribbon and white velvet headband.
This cameo is about 5 cm height, I add swarovski crystal as a heart diamond beside her. 

Cameo Jewelry Alice in Wonderland and a bunny
here you can see the details below, can you see little cute bunny? Mostly cameo I found with figures comes with a line hand but I would like to make it different so at this cameo as you can see that I made the fingers too in her hand. So It will look so real.

Cameo Jewelry Alice in Wonderland and a bunny

I love this cameo anyway and it kinda addicted so I made some other princess :) please wait my next blog. :)

Cameo Jewelry Alice in Wonderland and a bunny