Monday, November 25, 2013

Tutorial How to make Cold Porcelain Clay

Cold Porcelain Clay is an alternative for polymer clay, it's made from easy to get materials like white glue and corn starch as basic content. I knew this kind of clay from our discussion at our clay community KSCI. After looking some tutorials from any blog and read the sharing from my Clay-er friend "Ninna Clay" (thanks to her a lot, she gave her recipe to us). So last weekend I made this clay and I was surprise & Happy I can made it! you can print this tutorial and stamp on @ your kitchen :D 

It is the tear drop look likes, it means your dough is good!

This is my first creation using CP, two little kids wearing santa hat & clothes. The brother playing violin seriously and the little sister singing "Holy night..silent night" I wish I can hear her voice :P (I get the picture with cellular camera, so its not so clear capture). This clay can be shrink about 10 to 20% so be sure you make bigger than your expectation, it also will looks transparent after dry, so you need add some white paint if you want it looks milky.  I think this clay characteristics somehow are similar with resix clay. (I use acrylic paint, it become darker after dry so just use a little drop for coloring) 

I will take some photos after it dries, and I still want to play with this clay. I'll meet you soon with good capture camera!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Komunitas Seni Clay Indonesia (KSCI)

Beberapa waktu berkecimpung di dunia clay sangat mengasyikkan, dari beberapa forum crafter saya bertemu dan berkenalan dengan beberapa master clayers dan banyak belajar dari posting-posting dan karya mereka. Salah satunya Ce Petra yang empunya piets-art. Lihat aja blognya yang amat keren itu. Tapi ada yang membuatku kurang puas karena seni clay di Indonesia sejauh ini belum ada komunitasnya. Karena itu, minggu lalu, 14 Nov 2013.. saya dan ce (kakak) Petra Dewi Piets Art akhirnya memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah komunitas seni clay Indonesia.

Bagi Clayers-clayers (pekerja seni clay) di luar sana dan berkebangsaan/keturunan Indonesia silahkan bergabung ya. 

Komunitas Seni Clay Indonesia (KSCI) adalah komunitas yang dibuat untuk semua seniman clay Indonesia. 
Tujuan komunitas ini adalah sebagai wadah informasi, pembelajaran, saling berbagi tentang seni clay. Semoga melalui komunitas ini, seni clay di Indonesia makin maju dan dikenal oleh dunia Internasional. 
KSCI dibentuk pada tanggal 14 November 2013. Karena komunitas ini masih bersifat terbatas, silahkan add facebook saya dulu kuroshoppu dan saya akan menginvite anda ke dalam group KSCI. 
Tentu saja anggota KSCI harus menaati peraturan yang berlaku.

Kami terbuka bagi para 'clayers' yaitu siapa saja yang memiliki hobi seni clay, pekerja seni clay dan semua yang mau belajar seni clay . Selain 'clayers' tidak dipersilahkan bergabung di dalam group ini. Demi kebaikan bersama, member KSCI harus menaati peraturan/tata tertib yang berlaku, jika tidak admin berhak mengeluarkan/mem-blacklist orang tersebut dari group selamanya.

Berikut ini adalah peraturan/tata tertib anggota KSCI:
*Anggota KSCI WAJIB mendaftarkan diri dengan menulis data anda di bagian "comment" pada files "Anggota Komunitas Seni Clay Indonesia" dengan format sebagai berikut menggunakan penulisan yang benar. Nama_kota_Akun Facebook_Email_informasi lain jika ada nama fanpage & blog (atau jika mau menyertakan no.HP > no.Hp tidak diharuskan).
contoh: Jane Wijaya_jakarta_Jane

*No SARA, No Hurt, No CRIME. Semua anggota harus saling menghormati & menghargai, tidak boleh ada ejekan atau hal-hal yang menimbulkan perdebatan, penipuan, kata-kata kasar, dan sejenisnya.

*Semua posting harus berhubungan dengan SENI CLAY! Tutorial, Informasi Pameran, pengetahuan, lomba, challenge tentang seni clay diperbolehkan setiap hari dan sertakan sumbernya. Admin berhak menghapus posting selain seni clay tanpa pemberitahuan. 

*Share karya diperbolehkan setiap hari, maksimum 2 foto dengan hastag #shareclay Foto harus original, tidak boleh hasil COPAS (copy paste)/mengambil karya orang lain. 

*Promosi/sale boleh dilakukan pada hari JUMAT dengan hastag #JumatFREEDAY , Satu posting per anggota. Boleh promo like fanpage, giveaway,follow blog, atau berjualan tetapi harus berhubungan dengan seni clay.

*Demi kerapian file & album, anggota DILARANG membuat album foto dan mengedit file tanpa seijin Admin. Silahkan menghubungi admin sebelum anda membuat album foto/ akan mengedit file.

Demikian peraturan komunitas ini dibuat, seiring berjalannya waktu & demi kebaikan bersama admin berhak memperbarui tata tertib ini.


Ika & Petra

Clay Profession: Teacher & Doctor (Gifts Ideas)

About last week my customer requested me some gifts for her teacher and her friends. Her teacher is handsome man (he is bule) with short blonde hair, He wear simple blue t-shirt and pants. Because He is teacher, I put a book in his hand. :)

Clay Profession: Teacher

and her friend is a doctor. Indonesian man, brown skin, wearing doctor jacket and stethoscope. I also put fruits and vegetables background on the photo ^ ^ v
Clay Profession: Doctor

 I love clay!

Minion Baby Hat & Booties, Dave, Lance & Jerry (Despicable Me)

After watched "Despicable Me 2" movie, I really want to make Minion Hat & Booties. I dont want just make "minion" buat I would make it as each by each personal minions characters.
and Tharaa... here Minion Dave Baby Hat, Minion Lance Booties and Minion Jerry Hat.
Minion Baby Hat (Dave) & Booties (Lance)

Dave Minion Baby Hat

Lance Minion Baby Booties

Jerry Minion Baby Hat

Ok. I would like to tell you minions as personally : D, I got these information from wiki. I like minions..they're always cheerful in every situation ^ ^o 

Dave is a  two-eyed minion with combed hair. However, in the mini movie Orientation Day, he is shown to have a buzz-cut hair.
Dave is very smart and sweet minion who is loving, kind, caring and funny. He is good in playing video games like Stuart as seen when they are playing in Despicable Me 2. Dave likes Ice Cream and is shown when Gru calls him and Stuart while they are having an Ice Cream Party, he's still eating Ice Cream before he went to Gru.He is always very excited as seen in Despicable Me when he fired his Rocket Launcher, his signature weapon. He is very funny as seen in many moments to laugh on. He is good at weapons and making cupcakes and other foods.
Dave Minion

Lance is a small one-eyed minion with Buzz-Cut Hair.

Minion Lance

Lance enjoys dancing and singing as shown when he is cleaning the door in Gru's house.

Lance is the minion that was placing some newspapers or magazines on a table in front of where Gru sat. Gru was looking through some pictures of El Macho on his laptop. Halfway through the pictures, his laptop has lost internet connection. He called out for Kevin several times to fix it but there was no response. Annoyed, Gru asks Lance where is Kevin. Lance just shrugs, pretends to fart and walks away not knowing that Kevin was kidnapped, as he is one of the only few minions who has not been kidnapped and turned evil.
When Phil was kidnapped by Dr. Nefario while he was vacuuming the carpeted floor, Lance is the minion with the cloth tied on his head, carrying a bucket of cleaning supplies. He notices that the vacuum cleaner is left on. Curious, he looks outside through the door that was left a jar, but since there was no one there he closed the door. He then opens it again to clean the door knob.

and this is Minion Jerry

Minion Jerry

Jerry is a two-eyed minion with short spiky hair.
Jerry is playful and cheerful.
Despicable Me
He appeared when Gru called for him and Stuart, asking them to watch the girls and keep them away from Gru. Later, he and Stuart together with the girls play with toilet paper and is caught by Gru. Edith blames Jerry that it was his idea to do that.